Saturday, October 16, 2010


I am writing this for the benefit of the people who care to read my posts, and hopefully to re-establish a new heart before the Lord our God. May the hearts of this generation be restored unto Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

So often you have asked yourselves, "How can a Loving God allow such wickedness?" Is God evil, you ask? This is preposterous and technically impossible. Light and dark cannot be; as sure as night and day cannot be. Yes, they come together for sunrise and sunset, as sure as the world itself holds good and evil. God created our souls, and it is to his heart that we should be children of the light. But as you know, since the Garden of Eden, we the people have the free will to accept or reject God's new covenant; that which is Christ Jesus' sacrifice. Anyone who has rejected Christ practically has to push his dead body aside, just to reach hell's gate. But I tell you the truth, on this side of glory, it is never too late to accept Christ's sacrifice for atonement of your sins!

A man or woman who rejects the covering of Christ opens their self for destruction. It is true that even we, as believers have sometimes wavered from the will of God, and sometimes it is for the very reason of our good that great and terrible things must happen. It is for our purification, I myself wouldn't have learned this if it hadn't happened to me. I have often asked, "My God! My God! Why was I saved?" I am no different than anyone else my age. Yet He has beautifully orchestrated such miracles right before my eyes, in my own lifetime. And yet I myself do not claim to be greater than anyone else, in fact, I am just as terrible as anyone else! The difference is that I recognize the simplicity of my belief, which can be summarized in two words; just believe.

I can only teach you what I myself have received through the word of God and through whom God has chosen as instruments for his truth. God knows I have no words to offer, I cannot speak to people, for loss of words. Only in writing can I truly be sure of where these words are coming from, and that is through the fruit of the spirit. I invite and ask the Holy Spirit to come upon me, that I may speak such revelations of the truth for all to hear and understand. You are God's children, his own special possession. It is true that God chose Israel as his children, but they were to be the priests and prophets of the world. But as you may well know, they too have fallen short of God's great plan, for they worshiped idols. In the Old Testament, the day the law of the ten commandments were given, three-thousand people lost their lives. But it is in the New Testament, when Christ Jesus was given as a lamb of sacrifice for the world's sins, and when the Holy Spirit descended upon the people, that three-thousand were saved. It is by this that we know we cannot expect to follow the rules and commandments God has given by the Old Testament, but by God's grace and Christ's sacrifice in the New Testament, that we, too, can be made right before the Lord, our God.

We are but humans, the dust of the Earth. How can we possibly expect to conceive of God's divine purpose for our lives? Did he not stretch the skies over the Earth? Has he not offered to rescue us? But knowing humans, they pride their selves in their handling of life's troubles, and so God takes his hand away from that person. So you ask why God allowed such evils? Why, you should ask yourself! For even I have made such decisions, like a fool. Why work a lifetime for wealth and profit, only to lose them to the world? So not everyone can agree that there is indeed a God, but I must remind you of this irrefutable fact; everything dies. These people will reap what they sow. If it is your decision to live your life to the end in all emptiness of the truth, so it will be for an eternity. And those who seek to believe and receive God's grace, they will inherit eternal life.

I am not condemning you by making such accusations, for I would be condemning myself. For even Jesus reminded us, "The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged." And, "Do to others what you would like done unto you." This is the golden rule of all that is taught in the law and in the prophets. You can be sure that God has his will for your life, but are you willing to accept and trust him? His hand will be placed on your life, putting all things in it's right place. For those who are persecuted for doing right, recognize that the trouble does not happen to you, it happens for you. There is a great difference in receiving said troubles with this kind of mindset, for it reminds us that there is still a divine purpose for each breath God has placed in our bodies. And there is a great reward for those who run the long race of humanity.

God's commandments can be summarized by this one command: Love each other. This is nothing new that I speak of, but I remind you for the sake of remembrance, for many have wandered, and need to be brought back before the Lord, our God. He is not angry with anyone, why, Jesus himself revealed the heart of the father through the story of the prodigal son. The father saw him at a distance, and ran to embrace him and celebrate his return home. He did not condemn him for wasting away his inheritance, the father rejoiced in his son's safe return, for, "My son was dead, but now he is alive!" God is waiting eagerly for his children to return home. Remember when Jesus spoke, "You who are without sin, cast the first stone." Jesus was the only one there permitted to cast stones at the woman caught in the act of adultery; but he never touched a stone. So Christ abides in the Father, and the Father in him, so Christ has revealed to us the heart of the father, for he himself is the Father and the Son. The divine trinity of God that which is the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit. It is not three gods, but one God manifested in three forms, for nothing is impossible for God.

It is my hope that you should receive these words of truth in your heart, and understand them. By God's grace we are saved, and by his Love we are strengthened, and by this commandment we can follow closely. Do not act, do not speak, do not do anything except out of Love for one another. For Love is the greatest commandment, for God is Love. It is his presence we feel for the affection of our family and our friends. What do people seek most in life? Whether we know it or not, it is true that everyone seeks Love, and therefore we all seek God. Why does a man buy a car? Was it merely for the transportation or for the faint hope of being recognized, and therefore being appreciated? Was it for the praise of the people, that he seeks to be worshiped? You can be sure that these things and more are rooted to the recognition and appreciation and ultimately, for the Love we seek in other people. But we are never satisfied because this world cannot offer these things; and we surely cannot be worshiped, for all glory belongs to God, even for our own sakes. We seek God, and so we seek Love, and Love is everything we want and need. Only God can provide these needs and more, as surely as he has blessed me with this wonderful truth.

I am writing this so that many may be led to the truth that which is Christ, for he is the Word of truth in the flesh. It is my hope that those of you tired of the world in all that it cares for may find such hope in these words. When the time comes that you should find yourself alone and hurt, with not a friend in the world, who then, will care for you? Surely it couldn't be this world, for as a majority, the world doesn't care for such people because they're everywhere. But as sure as there are many who wouldn't care for you in your hour of desperation, I can surely tell you the truth when I speak of the one who does and always will care for you, and that is the Lord, our God; Christ Jesus.

I did not write this to argue with those who disagree. For if I should find myself arguing against such people, I would prove myself as foolish as they are. Though it is possible that I write to you again for those left unsure of your beliefs, so as to clarify any such points left unclear. I have come to speak the word of truth, for the truth has always been hard to receive, and so many will reject it. But I shall continually plead with the Father on your behalf, that your eyes may be opened and your heart made right before the Lord, our God.
May the Lord, our God, bless you with joy and may his grace abound in your lifetime.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Let's Listen - Icarus: Alien Vanguard

I thought I should post that I did a let's listen series for the soundtrack to the game Icarus: Alien Vanguard. :)

The link is to the entire playlist I've recorded. Enjoy.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Found this website recently: I'm addicted.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bad Dream

I want to know that I know that I know that I know FOR SURE that I am saved. If you'd have experienced what I had months ago you'd no doubt feel the same. You have NO IDEA how frightening it was to be (literally) attacked by demons in my sleep. It's that sort of thing that no one will ever get or understand; not even I know for sure what really lies out there in the spiritual realm. I wouldn't go as far as to call it a dream or even a nightmare; this was a full-fledged attack in my sleep. I remember waking up shivering so greatly I felt like my mind was twitching with the most insane, twisted thoughts. I tried so hard to recover by focusing on a prayer and trying to think of the face of Jesus. I felt so greatly disturbed that night I had to sleep in the same room with my sister. I hadn't done such a thing in a very, very long time. Like any child who's had a nightmare and slept with his or her parents (and I have done this at around 5-6) only now I'm at an age where I thought nothing scared me anymore. That is until this happened to me some months ago.

The Bad Dream:

There was a nightly investigation, much like Silence of the Lambs. Somebody knew that someone else was going to be killed and the situation was very dangerous. So this investigator realized this and rushed out with a group of cops, SWAT team members, etc. Then this woman walking out by this alley gets pulled over by a man with a scar. He had his hands on her head and pulled her head off. Only, she was still alive and hanging below her head was a new body; she had become some sort of twisted, grotesque creature. She was in horror of becoming something she was not, and just then some more men came along with the scarred man. They pulled their own heads off to reveal their new bodies, these men exposed themselves to be demons clothed in human skin. They started howling and shouting at the woman who was already frightened at what had happened to her. They moved her and grabbed her head and placed it in a deep, dark hole somewhere by the alleyway, and they blocked all light with their heads peaking in the hole, screaming terrible screams at her while she sunk lower and lower into the darkness and beyond...

The feeling was like that of drowning; when you've reached the point where you think you're going to die, the feeling gets deeper still. And when you really believe that now you're going to die, the feeling gets worse; and it gets worse and worse still, and it never, ever ends. Every moment in hell is like that of the moment of death reaching deeper and deeper into nothing and never being released. That feeling of being stuck and never being able to crawl out again. It's enough to drive anyone insane and that alone is only one quality of such a place outside of our imagination and all that we are able to conceive of as mere humans on earth. We don't know what's going on in the spiritual realm and we don't realize how deep the darkness is; but the news is that God always provides us a chance at salvation. God isn't forcing anyone to love him or believe in him; for God himself is true love and true love doesn't force others against themselves. The truth is everyone has that responsibility of making that decision; and I hope and pray that many will turn to God so they can really know him for the first time. For all who don't love God or even hate him simply don't know him, and yet, he still loves you.

Because of all this, I feel that I think about hell all the time now; that is one of many truths that no one knows about me. I am typically a mysterious person because I've never had much of a chance to open up to others. Or rather, I don't open up because no one asks me to; I don't want to bother people or force them to hear about the truth about myself because I know not everyone is interested to hear about it. So this is just some of the mysteries revealed: I am greatly disturbed at the behavior of this earth and I wish all people knew God the way I do (or better). For I now sympathize with God's feelings on this well-known scripture:

"For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."

If I could find the right words, I would tell you how I feel about this. All I can say from here is based on my experience through life, there's absolutely no doubt that there is a God. I want to seek righteousness, love, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, loyalty, honesty, self-control, etc. All truly wonderful qualities come from God and all truly good things come from God. That is the truth I know about him, and I love him. I will not hide this about myself and where I stand. I am not condemning anyone or telling anyone what decisions to make; this is just my two cents about myself I wanted to reveal. Take care, God bless and may God speed be with you.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I Didn't Mean To Neglect This Blog...

I really wish I'd update my blog more often. I also really wish I'd post more reviews on here, as I enjoy speaking favorably about the things I like that I believe should get more attention. I might do another video game review since I'd only written that one for Conker: Live & Reloaded. I've been playing Jet Force Gemini lately so I feel that's on my mind for reviewing.

On a side note, some weeks ago I contributed a map to the project, "Plutonia Revisited." It's going to be a 32-level game compatible for the original Final Doom engine. It's a tribute to The Plutonia Experiment, which was one of the two games that made the whole of Final Doom. The map I made is a tribute to map 22, "Impossible Mission" and in reflection to that I decided to call mine Suicide Mission. I'm very pleased with how the map turned out and I hope it makes it in all right. I also worked somewhat on a map that was supposed to be a map 32 slot. Map 32 of Plutonia was the toughest map of the set; and as tradition has it (well, at least for Plutonia 2 and this project) the level typically is a remake of an older doom map with tons of monsters and new areas. I worked on it some of the way and I sent it to someone else to work on it, so I guess you could say I'm doing a collaboration map. I basically took the first area of the first three Plutonia maps and blended them together with a couple new areas (plus I re-textured the thing). Though I wish instead of pasting them together I should have just created them from scratch based on memory; I'm absolutely certain I could have done so. Anyway, maybe when I get the map back I'll fix those areas up and add some new ones as well.

At some point, I'd also like to post about my spirituality. I'd like to be honest with people who are curious about my character since I've never had the opportunity to open up to anyone. The way I see it, I don't want to pour myself out before anyone who doesn't want to hear about it, so I'll just post some things on here. More likely I'll just recommend some great sources as to where I like to look when I need some encouragement or to learn more about God. He is a very interesting guy. :)

Anyway, I guess I'll leave it at that for now. Hope to return with some great things.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

CC4 Map And Master Levels Recorded On UV.

A little update that I'm doing a series of videos of the Master Levels for Doom II maps played on Ultra-Violence. Most of it is already done so if you don't already know where to find my YouTube channel here's a link: You can find the Master Levels playlist there.

Also, I made another contribution to the Community Chest 4 megawad. You can find the thread updates here:

Friday, March 12, 2010

Community Chest 4 Contribution - Matthaios' Spirit

I feel it was kind of unfair to remove that older post I made about my work on Doom Builder, so I'd like to update you on my work. I'm making a contribution to Community Chest 4 (as you may tell from the map above) you can see my updates and posts on the Doomworld forum here:

So yeah, and I did upload a YouTube video, though I removed it for bad quality. I'll see if I can try and upload another one without losing the video quality. I'll try to keep you guys posted on this stuff, until then, later!
