Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hello! Wassup!

Random picture of justice.

I know I have shut up for too long. It's time now to see just what have I done since...my Guster review?

Well, I moved to California for a couple months with my dad. Then I moved out (unexpectedly) to Lake Tahoe with my mother and her boyfriend. So my dad is still in California and I'm just here on the Nevada side of Tahoe. Everything looks so beautiful.

I'm reading a book right now called, "God's Messengers: What Animals Teach Us about the Divine." It's a really good book and it explains certain things about animals. Like on the back it reads:

"As the Bible reveals, animals are complete and man is not. Animals required no instructions from our Creator. Angels are messengers sent to teach and direct us so that we may acheive completion and learn to love. Indeed, animals are angels." ~Bernie Siegel

Well, I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say it is a great book. I'm not much of a book person, but I saw this book at Borders and after reading a little of it I had to pick it up. And I've been reading a little bit every now and then to save up on the incredible stories within.

Anyway, I recently attended my cousin's wedding. The first wedding I have ever been to. It wasn't all that boring, but it wasn't all that entertaining. It was good though, at some points. My cousin is an incredible singer and she sang like I've never heard her sing before. She reached this range that just blew me away; I never knew I was related to someone so talented! Anyway, I wish her and her husband (who is also a singer) great success and I hope to see them live when they reach it.

It was also great to see my grandparents, my uncle, my brother, and a lot of the family while I was visiting. The wedding was in California and they got married by a cliff in a park where you could see the ocean. It was beautiful, there seemed to be a lot of people around walking their dogs, including this huge dog. I can't remember what the name of it was, but it was huge.

And I finally got my Nintendo Wii (picked it up while in California) so I can confirm with my friend my very late Christmas gift (wii points).

So yeah, been playing a lot of drums too. Some guitar and singing when I get the chance. I might post a video sometime of myself playing drums. Until then, CUL8R.
Hey, that picture looks kinda good there. I may have to do something like that every now $ zen. =D


Quadrupleforce said...

WAHOO! Wonderful blog entry! I missed reading your stuff man. =D

valkiriforce said...

I missed you too fake account. =D